Ujungkulon National Park

Ujungkulon National Park, home of the One - Horned Rhino, is situated at the Southwestern tip of the island of Java, in the administrative district of Pandeglang of regency of the Province of West Java. Geographically, it is situated just below 6 degrees longitude east.

The park consists of several geographic areas. These areas which are the triangular shaped Ujungkulon peninsula with its adjacent island of Handeuleum and Peucang, the Gunung Honje Range to the east, and the large island of Panaitan make up the 76.214 hectare land area of the park. The surrounding sea and corals reefs contribute a further 44.337 hectares to the total 120.551 hectares.

Ujungkulon is also an important area for scientific, research, tourism and recreation. As Indonesia's leading park, this park is a world heritage site and the habitat of the endangered java rhino, holds a rich and diverse wilderness of high conservation value.

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